Sour Fish Curry Recipe

Sour Fish Curry Recipe

Although this dish is similar in essence to our ray fish curry, the spice paste is quite different, and is fried first before it is added to the sauce. A little coconut milk is also added to temper the tartness of the tamarind, giving the dish a much richer flavor. Choose a fish with firm, meaty flesh, such as pomfret or even salmon.

Ingredients: (Serves 4)

  • 500 g/1¼ lb thick fish cutlets
  • 1 eggplant (aubergine)
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 30 ml/2 tablespoons tamarind concentrate
  • 350 ml/12 fl oz/1½ cups water
  • 45 ml/3 tablespoons coconut milk
  • 5 ml/1 teaspoon sugar
  • 30 m/2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 15 ml/1 tablespoon chili oil (optional)
  • Salt

For the spice paste:

  • 2 dried red chilies, softened in warm water seeded and chopped
  • ½ large onion, chopped
  • 15 g/½ oz fresh turmeric
  • 15 g/½ oz shrimp paste
  • 3 garlic cloves, chopped


Cut the fish into large pieces and rub with about 5 ml/1 teaspoon salt. Slice the eggplant lengthways and cut into half moon shapes. Quarter the tomatoes.

To make the spice paste, grind all the ingredients together using a mortar and pestle or a food processor. Heat the oil and fry the paste until it is fragrant.

Blend the tamarind concentrate with the water and stir it into the fried spice paste. Add the coconut milk, fish, eggplant and tomato.

Simmer for 8 minutes until the fish is done. Season to taste with salt and sugar. If you wish, add a swirl of chili oil to give the dish a rich color.